Fall on the Prairies

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's well and truly fall here on the prairies.

A prairie fall is gold and brown with small flashes of red. The wind tosses the leaves about and before you know it, the trees are bare, but it's beautiful while it lasts.

I'm very blessed by my bus route as it takes me out of the big city into a neighbouring town well known for it's tree lined streets.

Above you see the country road that leads to our school. Driving down it everyday gives me an opportunity to watch the seasons change and allows me to feel a part of God's natural world.

I don't do poetic very well I'm afraid, but I do love fall.

Holly had her birthday yesterday and fun was had by all.

Crystal dropped by, and my mom came as well.

Holly requested perogies for her birthday meal and although I wanted to make them myself, I knew that wasn't going to happen so, I did the next best thing and bought them at the farmer's market on Saturday morning.

They do take time to make what with the boiling and frying but, we do love them!

Happy 21st Holly!

Oh, and what do you think she did?. . . .

Hmmmm. . . .
I received a lovely gift in the mail late last week.

I was the lucky winner of a give away over at Tollipop. http://www.tollipop.com/

Now what do you think I won?


A painting!

Aren't these girls sweet?

Now where shall I put this?

Oh yes, right up here on my plant shelves. The perfect spot.

Thanks Kirsten, for the lovely prize.

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8 Responses to “Fall on the Prairies”

  1. I wish we could have been there to join in the fun! Please pass on my Happy Birthday :)

  2. Happy birthday to Holly!!
    Kind of neat to have your mom around hey?
    I hope to visit her one of these days.

  3. Oh, Rosa! What a lovely blog. It makes me homesick for...home. I'm so glad the little drawing arrived safely--it looks like you found the perfect place for it.

    I wish I could drop by for a spot of tea!



  4. What lovely fall scenery! And great birthday present. My son has similar in the same place. :)

  5. You are lucky to have a "true fall"; here, it pretty much looks like summer!
    I've never had pierogies, they look yummy!

  6. When I think of you, I visualize you in that spot in your home, because of the tour. I love that spot. Looks so relaxing. Hey, how do you and your sister stay so damned skinny anyway? I know now she drinks beer, and you eat perogies (sp?). What's your secret there in Canada?

  7. Love the fall colors, we have some lovely ones here as well. Happy birthday to Holly yet as well. Looks like your mom is liking living there. And Holly's present......not in favour.:o)

  8. Well Aunty Nancy, She bought this present herself!
    I'm not in favour either, although the tatto is very beautiful, I don't like how permanent they are.

    Brenda, Staying skinny is all about the genes, I'm afraid, I don't think being Canadian has anything to do with it! :D

    Kirsten, the door's always open should you find yourself in the area.

    Thanks to everyone who coments. It's nice to know someone actually reads what I write! :)
