The Dark Side Of Organic Broccoli

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our family loves broccoli.
Steamed, with cheese sauce, roasted with garlic and olive oil, it's all good to us.
That makes having access to organically grown broccoli in your own back yard a huge bonus.
We can eat all I can grow. And I only grow organically.
But. . .
There is a dark side to organically grown broccoli.
It rears it's ugly head when you are eating your delicious, garlicky, roasted broccoli, savouring every bite, when your horrified gaze beholds one of these. . . . .!!!

Only instead of being green, plump and squirmy, he's crispy, curled, and roasted!
And he's on your fork!!!
Thankfully, Henry and Jesse just shrugged and said " Oh well, it's just extra protein."
It could have been so much worse. . .
Had Crystal been over for dinner last night, her shrieks would have been heard around the globe!
Mom's would likely have joined her.
Please don't tell either one of them about this or they may never come for dinner again!

And now I'm off with a big plastic container and garden gloves for a lengthy caterpillar picking session.

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3 Responses to “The Dark Side Of Organic Broccoli”

  1. That is just toooooo funny. My sister-in-law used to soak her broccoli in bleach water for an hour before cooking to drown the critters before eating :)

  2. Pretty sure I would be right beside them!! Yuck...LIsa

  3. I let my daughter pick them out of the "caterpillar condos", as she calls them. I've had very few caterpillars this year though. Also very little brocolli...

    I wonder if it was the weird weather this year, but I'm not liking my brocolli much either. One tight head roasted was great, but they all taste too peppery raw.
